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Abortion Abolitionists are Bending the Language to Their Will

  There are those who would have you believe that Trump has “softened” his position on abortion. This is, of course, ridiculous. It presumes that he actually has a position to soften, which would require an actual thought process, something no longer in his skill set. Trump, we can safely say, has no fixed position on anything. He’ll tell whatever lie he thinks might get him through the next news cycle, and you can practically hear the hundreds of recent lies clanking against each other in his brain. His abortion stance, if you can call it that, is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Trump cares nothing about abortion, and as long as his friends can get one, he doesn’t mind if you can’t. If he can use the issue to rally his dwindling base, his personal beliefs will be immaterial. But if you want to know how Trump is supposed to feel but doesn’t, look no further than JD Vance. Whenever you need the language bent to accommodate whatever lie the anti-ab
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Lessons From the ‘22 Midterms that the Media Didn’t Learn From

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Is This Election Really a Nail-Biter?

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My Evening with Oprah and Kamala

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Kamala Crushed It, But Missed a Few Chances

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The Decline and Fall of Toxic Masculinity, We Hope

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